Rusko zabilo v Sýrii další dvě děti a ženu, zranilo deset civilistů včetně šesti dětí
2. 1. 2022
Ruské stihačky zaútočily na dočasné ubytování pro civilisty. Usmrtily dvě děti a ženy a zranily deset civilistů včetně šesti dětí.
Scenes show the aftermath of the devastating attacks of Russian warplanes that targeted temporary housing for civilians near #Jesr_Shoughr west of #Idlib, killing two children and a woman, and injuring 10 civilians, including 6 children.#WhiteHelmets
— The White Helmets (@SyriaCivilDef) January 1, 2022
Bílé helmy vyprošťují mrtvolu Rusy zabitého dítěte:
Heartbreaking displays show #WhiteHelmets teams retrieving a dead body of a little child who was killed along with another child and a woman after Russian warplanes devastated their shelter while they were sleeping after midnight near #Jisr_Shuoghur west #Idlib.
— The White Helmets (@SyriaCivilDef) January 1, 2022
Za posledního půl roku zabili Asad a Rusko v Sýrii 63 dětí:
63 children killed by Assad & Russia in the span of 6 months. Most were born into Assad's war and never had the chance to leave it. They died with unfulfilled dreams - to live in peace & safety like other children. When does the world say no more? #ChildrenUnderAttack #IAmAChild
— The White Helmets (@SyriaCivilDef) November 20, 2021